Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Rally Wrap-up

Day 6, Saturday June 18th con't
 The Awards Banquet and "best of Cajun and Creole cuisine"
The Banquet and cuisine where spectacular. It was so good that everyone was getting seconds, and they ran out of food - almost all of it. Desert was King Cakes, (I'll let you look that one up in the dictionary) and the asked each table to bring there their baby up to the front and exchange it for an envelope, but not to open the envelope until told to. When asked to open them, most contained five raffle tickets, but one was for a brand new Vespa GTS.
The rest of the evening was devoted to awards of various achievements. One was for the longest ride to the Amerivespa. Janie- listen up - some gal from California rode 2,600 miles (not direct) to the event on a Yamaha Majesty.

Day 7, Sunday June 19th
The wrap-up.
10:00am was the start of the Gymkhana and Vendor Show. The gymkhana started out with the slow races - that's where the slowest rider, to not put his feet down over a selected distance, wins. The obstacle course was next.

Meanwhile, inside the Contemporary Arts Building garage, the vendors where showing their stuff.

 The final event is the raffling off of tons of goodies. But the top of the list was five scooters, two of which were brand new - Madass 125, People something - two restored vintage vespa's - and one unrestored.

One lady had the misfortune of her kymco 500 exploding in flames on the way to the rally, she is fine and made the rally anyway, but the scoot is wasted. During the raffling it was announced that the Kymco people had given her a brand new scooter, which she would ride home - nice.

That wrapped up the rally. I won nothing - not uncommon. I said goodby to my friends Rick and Waneta(sp?) from Gulfport, MS. It's amazing how many folks I'm getting to know at these rally's.
I delivered all the goodie bags I had picked up, to John and Diane's motor-home for transport home. Then back to the Asylum to write this and pack up for the ride home tomorrow

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